Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Are you acting like you have succeed?

In my 25 years of living, I haven't heard of anyone saying they have failed, at least not significant enough that I can remember.

You must be thinking, that's cool, you must have successful people surrounding you.


The reason why people do not say they have failed in any way is because of our cut throat society. Nobody will tolerate a slow learner or a failure, sometimes not even your grandma. You are either up there, or you are out there.

You must be thinking "hmm, all these doesn't fit the title at all". I am glad to tell you that I wasn't off course in any way.

In fact, most people out there hasn't been near success in anyway. They just thought they are.

Now now, I have just opened the pandora box of psychological theories. You must be saying success is a state of mind, or success doesn't need to be anything fanciful.

That is absolutely correct ( Omg, am I crazy to acknowledge that?)

You see, success is really a state of mind. But state of mind itself can't be sustained if it's not backed by physical success.

You can't say that you are successful by setting your own company either. Anyone can loan a 100k from the bank and set up some money losing business, and boosting outside about how great their company is, how many girlfriends they had. Talking about state of mind.

Do you know what is Silicon Valley's definition of success?

It isn't attaining a 100billion bucks status, or created something that half the whole's population is using.

It is about setting up a foundation. The highest form of success comes when you are able to feed one million people under your care, or have the power to change the state of poverty in certain countries.

1 comment:

deLuxique said...

I'm most impressed that an Engineering fella like you can write this well. Keep the blog alive dude. I'd want to read them!!