Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Are you Affiliated to any B*&%h? I mean Niche

I was recently catapulted to the world of affiliation and money-making niches ( How I wish I am blasted straight to the bucks). I can say it's quite daunting to see so many individual's dedicating their time to blog or set up websites talking about these two words- affilliate and niche.

A quick search on the Google and you can see like 35 millions pages on the word Niche, and a staggering half a billion pages on the word Affiliate; a mispelled affilate already turns in 1.39 millions pages.

You can see that no matter how hard I did my homework on the Search Engine Optimisations (SEO), I wouldn't be able to make this post to the top of these 2 words search.

So how did it happened?

The first reason is that money makes the world go round, and in this case, makes the world spin faster as well.

Internet + marketing = Gaudsend

Internet + individual marketing = FedEx Gaudsend

Life on the internet nowadays doesn't leave much to the imagination: a few google ads on the side bar, and some nice graphical referral ads that you can click on to find yourself in a pool of yet more ads and sales pitches.

Someone once told me that I should do some online research before getting my hand on some products.

I just hoped that product is not a niche...


Ax Xu said...

well.. i'm also new to internet marketing.... but its surely not easy... u need to learn a lot of things. but u must certainly concentrate your mind on just 1 part.. for example, affiliate, or adsense or maybe ebay selling. from there, learn whatever u can.. but the journey through that is not going to be easy... just hang on if u really want to take this journey.

Repmarc said...

Hi Xu, thanks for your advice! I am really new to this internet marketing stuffs and it's fortunate to meet someone in the same boat as I am. No matter what, this journey will certainly some impact in the way we viewed the cyberspace. Hope you can send me a msg on ur website link so I can pay you a visit as well. All the best to us. :)