Monday, January 28, 2008

The Next Big Thing In Triathlon

I used to say that Running Is My Religion. But I have since upgraded it to Swimming as well. Soon, you will see, that Cycling is next.

You know why? Cos I will be the Next Big Thing in the Triathlon World.

Sounds cocky isn't it. I beg to differ. Since young I know I am prepared for something great on this Earth of ours. I know all of you might have some sense of this feeling before. But it might not be so strong.

That Is the difference between someone who's able to raise their hand to ask question in class every lesson, even when all other classmates are pissed, and someone who wouldn't.

I wasn't particularly fast in school and wasn't the best swimmer in the pool. In fact I am one of the worst freestyle swimmers in the pool.

But the sense of being criticised, and excel in it will be tremendous.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was once criticised for his puny calves ( come on, how fucking puny can his calves get).

Guess what he did in return?

He turned his trackpants into trackberms. He wants to show the world how SMALL his calves are, and he dont sulk at it. He loves the criticism. It makes him grow.

The difference between WINNING and LOSING, is about self belief.

Right now, I am going to achieve it. my target is peak at age 35. Don't worry about telling me that's not impossible, I already had a few reminders.

And would you please, Slap me on my face and Tell me GET IT GOING!

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